Obtaining a registered trademark or commercial name could be complex if you do not have knowledge nor the expertise, especially after the recent changes in the Industrial Property Law regarding procedures, timings and terms for the registration of brands and commercial names. We have ample experience in this field.
Prior to request the corresponding registry of the trademark, we can carry out a phonetic search to be sure from the very beginning on the viability of the brand. Then we can proceed to request the corresponding trademark registration before the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property, who, as the competent authority, will issue the corresponding title. Thus our clients will have the legal exclusive right of the use of the registered mark for his/her products and/or services in Mexico.
In addition to obtaining the trademark and/or commercial name for you, we can also valuate said brand or your business, which brings forth not only economic benefits for your business or entity, but also fiscal advantages. Our CEO holds a Master´s Degree in Valuation, and a post-graduate degree in Valuation of Intangible Assets