Alejandro Quijano Martinez


  • Bachelor of sciences in computer sciences. Universidad Anahuac Mayab.
  • Intensive seminar on English. ELS Language Center, Oklahoma City University

Professional Profile:

  • Advisor in development of Real Estate projects and condominium regime systems.
  • Fiscal advisor for:
-Design of business strategies to obtain financial and fiscal benefits.
-Legal-fiscal, customs, and administrative implementation of resources.
-Fiscal and tax advise for income tax and other federal taxes.
-Recovery of amounts paid to CFE for wrong charges billed by this company.
-Return of payments made to INFONAVIT.
-Re-calculation of CUFIN (payments made by Corporations to S.A.T -federal treasury department).
-Audit for purchase and sale of stocks.
-Project of implementing of federal protection law for personal data. .
-Fiscal litigation: Fiscal Credits (SAT), taxes, social security IMSS, INFONAVIT and PROFECO.

E. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
T. +52 (624) 143-4838
T. +52 (624) 143-5343
Fax: +52 (624) 143-9608

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