Real estate transactions

We are aware that investing in or purchasing real estate and properties is a very serious matter, that becomes particularly burdensome when a transaction is done by a foreign citizen. The process can be confusing and tiresome for someone who is not familiar with the process, specially for all the documentation and formats to be filled out in order to comply with the Anti-money Laundering Law, the Law for protection of general data, the process of establishing a trust, as well as other procedures to be executed along the closing process.
We provide several services related with real estate transactions that make the process simple, clear and smooth for our clients. Once you hire our services to assist you with the selling, buying or transferring/acquiring of your property, your only concern will be how to enjoy this within a time shorter than expected.
Among the services we provide regarding real estate transactions (closings) are those related with bank trusts, private agreements, investment projects, mergers, subdivisions, condominium regimes etc. There is an array of options when acquiring or transferring real estate; our task is to provide those that suit the best our clients´ needs and interests..
In addition to our closing services, we advise our clients on the following matters ensuring their certainty and legal safety:
  • Advising sellers in legal and tax matters.
  • Drafting and revision of Escrow Agreements, as well as of all those escrow-related documents (including disbursement of funds), from the beginning of the closing up to its end.
  • Appraisal services for real estate (for further information, see specific section below on this page.).

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T. +52 (624) 143-4838
T. +52 (624) 143-5343
Fax: +52 (624) 143-9608

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