Other Services

Homeowner's associations

  • Legal advice on Bylaws, condominium regimes, and legal documentation related to such matters.
  • Legal assistance and advise on their Assemblies and Meetings.
  • Legal assistance in preparation of notices and other related documents.


  • Cadastrial (required to transfer property).
  • Real estate (land, construction, improvements, referred for fiscal needs).
  • Agropecuarian.
  • Industrial.
  • Machinery & Equipment (transportation equipment, industrial machinery, yachts etc..).
  • Art.
  • Intangible assets (copy rights, brands, commercial names, processes, good will etc..).
  • Business.
  • Stocks.

Elaboration of Legal Contracts

  • Joint Venture.
  • Related to all the services that a vessel can provide.
  • Purchase and sale, and leasing of all kind of assets.
  • Lease, Purchase and sale agreements, for all kind of assets, donations, payments etc..
  • Marketing related.
  • Preparatory agreement.
  • Promissory agreements.

Advising on:

  • Arbitration.
  • Mediation.
  • Importation of vehicles and vessels.
  • Agrarian law.
  • Notices of land acquired on the restrained area.

E. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
T. +52 (624) 143-4838
T. +52 (624) 143-5343
Fax: +52 (624) 143-9608

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